$10 or Under? Get it.

One of the joys of having your money on lock is being able to spend lavishly on the things that make you happy without having to think about it much.

(And by lavishly, I mean on anything $10 or less – because frugality 😂)

We make so many dang decisions every single day of our lives, so anytime you can shave off one of them it’s a WIN. Plus, why not splurge a little without over-analyzing every last purchase if you’re hitting your goals just fine?!

It’s pretty amazing what a Hamilton will get you these days too:

  • Coffee? Yum.
  • T-shirt? Rock it.
  • Rings? Flaunt it.
  • Books? The Best!

If it makes me happy or feel good (or look good) – I will buy it every single time and not feel bad about it.

In fact, just yesterday I employed this rule when I came across this book at the local book store:

gucci mane autobiography

Gucci Mane was probably the last person I was expecting to enter my life, lol, but something about it made me want to pick it up and devour it…. Probably that pinky ring 😎 (Gucci Mane is a rapper famous for trap music – and going in and out of jail/drugs)

So I did. It cost me exactly $10 and I didn’t have to check a budget or anything.

And then I promptly went next door and ordered a $6 latte at the coffee shop where I sat and consumed both for the better part of two hours!! IT WAS BLISSFUL!!

And also the fastest I’ve ever read a book in my life*. It wasn’t even the greatest story telling or writing, it just fascinated me to no end and I couldn’t put it down. It’s amazing how drastically different our lives can be on this Earth! And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish I was a bit more of a troublemaker like GUCCI is too, haha…

And sure it adds up over time, but so does pleasure. If you’re already hitting your financial goals though it’s all “extra.” And let me ask you – would you rather have $1,000,010 or $1,000,000 and a good book? (Or coffee or beer or big bag of gummies??).

An extra $10 doesn’t add as much value to your life once you cross a certain point. And even if you’re deep in debt or just getting started in your financial journey I recommend cutting yourself a little slack every now and then! I wouldn’t get crazy with it, but a $10 splurge will go much farther in your mental health and motivation than 24/7 deprivation. Just don’t do it every day and you’ll be fine…

At any rate, another thing I do that’s worked out great for me in recent years 🙂 And if you’ve been doing any of my last 6 tips you should have plenty of extra Hamiltons to play with! Go out and have fun with one of those puppies today!

Yours in splurging,

j. money signature

*In two hours I read 1/3 of the book, which anyone with “reading OCD” will tell you is astonishing… I rarely had to re-read any of the lines, or got stuck on a word I had to repeat over and over again until it felt “right” or anything. I think because the world of Gucci has no impact on my life whatsoever, haha, so it wasn’t “important” enough where my brain had to make sure it soaked everything in. Even though it’s crazy inspiring! So thanks G-mane! For being yourself, and for giving this new fan some hope in future book reading… Keep on spittin’ your truth 🙏 🙏

gucci mane

[Cover art for Delusions of Grandeur]

** Links to book are Amazon affiliate links

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Great apps and resources I recommend:

  • Best Budget Templates & Spreadsheets (FREE)— The best free budget templates from around the community! Including the ones I use 😎
  • Personal Capital* (FREE) — A great app to track your investments and net worth. You can see an in-depth review we did here from a millionaire who checks it daily!
  • You Need a Budget (YNAB)* (FREE TRIAL, then $14.99/mo or $98.99/year) — One of the BEST budgeting methods in the space, with new users saving $600 on avg 💪
  • Digit (FREE 6 mo. Trial, then $5/mo) — This is one of my favorite apps for automatically saving money, so much so that I came on board as an advisor when they launched!
  • Acorns* ($3-$5/mo) – Another great app. This one automatically rounds up your daily transactions and INVESTS the difference into a portfolio for you.
  • Honey (FREE) — By far my favorite coupon service out there. Click the Honey button any time you’re about to buy something online, and BOOM – it finds and applies discounts.
  • My Favorite $$$ Articles! – A roundup of the best articles I read each week from around the community. (My personal newsletter that goes out every Friday)
  • My Favorite Blogs + Books

*Some of these are affiliate links which help keeps the lights on in here 👍

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