The Year of The Flow šŸ¤™

Gooooood morning, my beautiful money lovers!

Iā€™ve missed you! Yā€™all off to a great start this year? Lots of goals and excitement and energy crackinā€™ on?!

I gotta admit, I was having so much fun the past handful of weeks I almost didnā€™t come back, hahaā€¦ But itā€™s not you, itā€™s me šŸ˜‰ I *finally* cracked the code on how to SLOW DOWN TIME once and for all: just donā€™t work! Lolā€¦

Also: puzzles.

Popped one open over the holidays and havenā€™t stopped:

pokemon puzzle

(PokƩmon FTW)

washington dc puzzle

(Missing puzzle pieces ā€“ the devil incarnate!)

paw patrol puzzle

(The hardest of the bunch ;))

superman puzzle

(Current one Iā€™m working onā€¦ My first 1,000 pieceā€™r!)

As you can see, only the important things going on here šŸ˜‰

I also updated our Net Worth and paid some bills and moved some investments around during my break, but honestly finances were the last thing on my mind this holiday seasonā€¦. It seems I keep thinking about it less and less over the years and finally getting some good balance with my obsessions which is great. I even went a couple weeks without checking social media if you can believe it! šŸ˜±šŸ˜±

Iā€™m also realizing that as much as I love this blog and our community here, it too has become less of an obsession over the yearsā€¦ Mainly because I donā€™t think about money as much now that things are on track, but also because I continue to treat it as a ā€œjobā€ instead of more of a hobby which I promised myself I wasnā€™t going to do when I bought it back! Particularly around maintaining a *schedule*. Which up until recently has served me well, but now it just feels constricting even if itā€™s all in my head (which it is ā€“ I only blog two times a week! lolā€¦).

But after going this entire month+ without really having one I felt so *alive* and *in the moment* and it was fantastic. I woke up and just did whatever *moved* me right there on the spot (like puzzles!) and I didnā€™t have to feel guilty about any commitments lingering in the background. It was such a luxury just ā€œgoing with the flowā€ that I donā€™t think I can give it up now that Iā€™ve really tasted it!! šŸ™‚

So all this to say, Iā€™m nixing my schedule for the upcoming year and will only be writing whenever Iā€™m dying to get my thoughts out. Which will probably be less than Iā€™m writing now, but still more than I was the last few years when I was gone šŸ˜‰ In fact, my hope is that by going this new route Iā€™ll be able to stay here with yā€™all for the long run since thereā€™s no way I can get burned out again if I only blog when I feel like it! Hahaā€¦

So hereā€™s to a more flowy, and FUN!, new year of sharing with yā€™all! I hope itā€™s a great year for all of us!!


$100 door mat

In other life updatesā€¦

Here are the things I got accomplished from my checklist last month:

  • I got my Xmas shopping done early! Amazing how much you can knock out when you donā€™t have a job getting in the way ā€“ hah.
  • I visited my friendā€™s coin shop AND the new brewery that opened up ā€“ that door mat up there comes from my friendā€™s shop ā€“ brilliant!
  • I tipped my baristas $100 on #BigTipTuesday! And it felt as great as you think it might šŸ™‚ Totally recommend if you can pull it off (and you donā€™t need to wait for a special event ā€“ people need some love any day of the week!!)
  • I read at the coffee shop instead of typing away on the laptop. OK this wasnā€™t on the list last month, but something Iā€™ve always wanted to do as it just looks sooooo relaxing whenever I see anyone do it.Ā  So I grabbed a book, found a comfy chair in the corner, and got to reading amidst the hustle and bustle of everything. SO MAGICAL!! I thought it was a fitting book I selected for it too šŸ˜‰Ā  How Starbucks Saved My Life (Amazon affiliate link)

how starbucks changed my life

(An excellent, light, read, btw ā€“ highly recommend!)

  • We started a Jumping Jacks Challenge for January! After a successful Push-Up Challenge in November, and a subsequent Squats Challenge in December, the mission continues and we move to Jumping Jacks for the rest of the month. 100/day ā€“ wanna join?
  • And lastly, I attended the Content Creator Happy Hour from Plutus Voices last month. As expected, it was a joy getting together with like-minded friends in real life. We talked money, life, entrepreneurship, and all those out of the blue *pivots* we sometimes need to make to keep the goals movingā€¦ It was great, and you can check here to see if theyā€™ll be coming to your town next! ā€“>

Things I didnā€™t end up getting done last month:

  • My tattoos ā€“ turns out the shop I want to get them at is SUPER popular and they have a 2-3 month waiting list to get inked! So itā€™ll still happen, I just have to wait a little longer which is fine ā€“ Iā€™ve already waited 20 years šŸ™‚
  • Try Crossfit ā€“ didnā€™t even cross my mind once, hahaā€¦
  • Create TikTok videos ā€“ nope! If anything, I learned this month I want to be on social *less* over time, not more. And I know if I join another platform Iā€™ll only get sucked in as theyā€™re all so addicting!!
  • Visit new museums or skateparks ā€“ not enough time with all those puzzles that needed to get done šŸ˜‰

So thatā€™s it for me!

What have you guys been getting into?? Any great resolutions or goals youā€™re fired up about for 2023? Anyone want to join me in the ā€œgo with the flowā€ plan?

I think itā€™s going to be my mantra for *everything* I get into this yearā€¦ Iā€™ll still be productive and get everything done that I need to, but the hope is to make it all happen in a more peaceful and flowy way šŸ™‚ And if it blows up in my face, well, you know Iā€™ll be here to blog about it, lolā€¦

Happy New Year to each and every one of you!! Iā€™ll see you when I see you šŸ’™

j. money signature

PS: Iā€™ll still be sending out my Friday personal newsletters every now and then too. You can sign up to those here if youā€™re interested (I share more personal stuff, along with my favorite financial reads from around the community):

PPS: My favorite Xmas present this year:

dad bucks

(Dad Bucks!! Where I can pay my kids to do whatever I want, muah ha haā€¦)

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