Take these books off my shelf!

What’s up everyone!

Haven’t done a good giveaway in a while so let’s change that today…

Got a stack of books just waiting to find a new home, so if you’re feeling lucky be sure to enter and I’ll drop them in parcel post!

(Speaking of parcels, we played “pass the parcel” this weekend at a kid’s birthday party and my son won the prize at the end, haha… had never heard of it before but apparently if you watch Bluey (and I seem to be the only one who doesn’t these day?!) it’s a popular game from there… (Lucky Dad’s Rules, of course))

Alright here’s what we’ve got today – if you want any of them just drop a note in the comments and you’ll be entered to win!

May the Book Gods shine down on you!!


Gonzo Capitalism:
How to Make Money in An Economy That Hates You

Just got this book in the mail from blogger/hustler/entrepreneur extraordinaire, Chris Guillebeau, and if it’s any indication of his past best-sellers this should be a good one too. You might remember Chris from the Art of Non-Conformity blog back in the day or his popular book, The $100 Startup.

Here’s a clip about it from his website:

“A fascinating tour of this brave new world where novelty and creativity are currency, and the creators are in control. From the community of gamers getting paid to play, to the armchair pundits beating the bookies in online prediction markets, to TikTok “Sleepfluencers,” AI artists, and the band of renegade investors upending the rules of finance, in the world of Gonzo Capitalism, anything goes.”

Learn more here (Amazon) –> Gonzo Capitalism

Since I have this one in hand, I’m happy to autograph it too…. Unless it’s weird autographing *someone else’s* book?! 😂😂


How to Get Rich:
One of the World’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets

how to get rich book

This one my best friend SWEARS BY, which is saying something since he *hates* money books, but in a way it’s more of a “business/hustling” book than it is money…

I tried reading it after he gave me his copy, but my mind is no longer in the “get rich and powerful!” mentality so perhaps it’s better suited for someone else 🙂 It was super interesting though which kept my attention for the first few chapters, so if you’re looking for some tough love motivation or just want something *different* to read (it really is different!) you’ll want to check it out…

More here (Amazon): –> How To Get Rich

PS: For those of you who don’t know who Felix Dennis is (I didn’t), he was the founder of Maxim Magazine and a bunch of other super popular computer mags back in the day… He also randomly loves poetry which he made sure to scatter all throughout it which makes for an interesting juxtaposition (I told you it was different!)


Your Future Self:
How to Make Tomorrow Better Today

your future self

Now this one was brought to my attention by Hal Hershfield himself looking to get the word out and just recently dropped this summer. I haven’t had the chance to skim it yet, but he does seem to be a legit dude and the topic very much applies to what we’re about here.

Here’s a clip from his website to see if you like it:

“We’ve all had the desire to travel through time and see what our lives will be like later in life. While we want the best possible future for ourselves, we often fail to make decisions that would truly make that a reality. Why do we choose steak over vegetables at dinner, waving off concerns about high cholesterol? Why do we splurge on luxury cars rather than save for retirement? Why can’t we stick to our exercise programs? Why are so many of us so disconnected from our future selves?

Based on over a decade of groundbreaking research, Your Future Self explains that, in our minds, our future selves often look like strangers. Many of us view the future as incredibly distant, making us more likely to opt for immediate gratification that disregards the health and wellbeing of ourselves in the years to come. People who are able to connect with their future selves, however, are better able to balance living for today and planning for tomorrow. Your Future Self presents the science, describes the mental mistakes we make in thinking about the future, and gives us practical advice for imagining our best future so that we can make that a reality.”

Amazon –> Your Future Self


Kiss Your Money Hello!
(And Financial Stress Goodbye)

kiss your money hello

Here’s another new book that just dropped in June, and similarly Bill Hines reached out to offer up a free copy. It’s already hit the top lists of Personal Money Management, Investing Basics, College Financing, and Home Buying/Selling so seems to be resonating with people!

More from Amazon:

“This book is the way to financial peace, to relieving the number one stressor in our lives and relationships. It’s the guide to living every day on your own terms, and never having to go to a job you no longer love, of never having to miss those important life events. I’ll keep it simple—just the way your personal finances should be! The first word of the title is no coincidence. KISS means Keep It Simple Silly! Maybe I’ll even make you laugh. Your household should measure success in ‘happy’, not some corporate financial metric.”


Financial Fives:
The Top 325 Ways to Save, Earn, and Thrive to Retire Before 65

financial fives

This one comes from fellow $$$ blogger Gary Grewal of FinancialFives.com, whose graciously given me a copy to give away here (thanks dude!). Haven’t read it yet, but love how actionable it sounds 🙂

More from Amazon:

“The goal of Financial Fives is to provide easy-to-follow tips in areas of personal finance that are applicable to the average reader, to absorb ideas effectively, and also refer back to for easy reading. This book can help you retire early, negotiate a pay raise, save money on home renovations, save money on your wedding, buy a home, become debt-free, and more! And unique chapters on things like saving money at festivals, getting the most money out of travel and hotels, even how to make the most of launching your business idea!

Some chapters include:

  • 5 Ways to Save Money on Car Maintenance-
  • 5 Guilt-Free Ways to Invest in Yourself
  • 5 Ways to Save Money on Throwing a Party
  • 5 Questions to Ask Your Realtor
  • 5 Ways to Save Money on the Dating Scene”


Wealthy Doc’s Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom: Transform Your Physician Salary into Wealth

wealth doc guide to financial freedom

Next we have Wealthy Doc‘s new book which comes in both Kindle version as well as print. It just dropped in May, and like my other blogger brethren he’s kindly offered up a free copy to give away here 🙏

Here’s more from Amazon:

“In Wealthy Doc’s Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom, author Brian Foley, MD, MBA, shares his journey from poverty to financial freedom through a career in medicine and investing. With over 30 years of experience, Foley is known as Wealthy Doc and runs a successful blog at Wealthydoc.org.

In his book, Foley outlines a step-by-step approach to help readers achieve financial independence. He begins with the importance of having a dream and making a financial plan, then covers topics such as managing debt, mastering emotions and money, maximizing income, investing, and real estate. The book also includes tips on how to protect your wealth, avoid taxes, and retire comfortably.”


Raising Money-Smart Grandkids:
A Guide for Grandparents: Unlock the Power of Financial Wisdom For Your Grandchildren

raising money-smart grandkids

Lastly, up for the taking is Paul Vasey’s latest book! Which title says it all, but for good measure here’s a snippet from Amazon:

“From investing and building wealth to cultivating a spirit of philanthropy, this book covers a wide range of topics aimed at creating financially responsible individuals.

Ultimately, “Raising Money Smart Grandkids: A Guide for Grandparents” enables grandparents to leave a lasting legacy of financial wisdom and empowerment. By taking an active role in their grandchildren’s financial education, grandparents can help shape a generation of individuals who are confident, knowledgeable, and equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern financial landscape.

What sets this guide apart is its emphasis on intergenerational learning and the role of grandparents as money mentors.”


Interested in any???

Let me know which one(s) in the comments below (or via email if you’re reading this in my newsletter), and you’ll be automatically entered to win. You can enter for as many as you like, and we’ll choose the winners at the end of the weekend.

Good luck!!

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” And there’s a ton of knowledge up in here!

j. money signature

*All links to Amazon are affiliate links

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