6 Reasons to Name a Beneficiary on Your Bank Account

If you have an individual retirement account, taxable brokerage account, or life insurance policy, you’ve almost certainly named a beneficiary before. And if you had kids or were in a committed relationship at the time, you probably didn’t give it much thought. Your closest loved ones — your children and spouse or domestic partner — … Read more

CreditStrong Review — Build a Strong Credit Score

I’ve spent the last few months researching how to rebuild your credit for an educational series I’m writing. That’s why I was intrigued by CreditStrong, a service that helps you rebuild your credit by giving you specialized loans or lines of credit and reporting them to credit reporting agencies.  I know that probably sounds like … Read more

When you’re stuck, just write…

I read a quote recently that said something like, “When you’re stuck, just sit down with a notepad and start writing… your brain has things it wants to say even if you don’t know what they are.” If I had read it last week I probably would have laughed as it sounds so ridiculous, haha, … Read more